lunedì 10 agosto 2009

Students, emigrants of our times

Have you ever thought about studying in a different country?

It's a kind of vogue today: every year a great number of students decide to move and look for a school or a university in which to learn both what they need for their life and the language.

But is it really only a vogue?

I think the reason of this little "emigration" could be found in the growing awareness got by Italian people about the situation of their school system.

You can't escape, our condition isn't one of the best.

Most of the university degrees you could got in Italy are not really considered effective out of our country.

Which is the reason why a country like Italy isn't able to provide us a solid education, is actually unknown.

I can't believe that the preparation of Italian students can't be considered valid as the one of the other states: is it possible that a little number of tests is being estimated more valuable than our written and oral tests?

How many of us are actually in a situation like this one?

I know that some of the people who usually read my blog are spending some time in Ireland and in Spain in order to study and work for companies linked to their university courses.

They always tell me about their experiences with a lot of entusiasm, but sometimes they confess their discomfort and the situation of exploitation in which they are. Foreign people is easier to use than other people, isn't it?

So, is Italy that terrible place for students?

Unfortunately this question is in the group of the ones we'll never know the answer of.

However, don't worry! Someone's taking care of us: enjoy your work Min. Gelmini, please make us able to draw crosses on a paper.


1 commento:

  1. studiare all' estero non è solo un modo per imparare un'altra lingua, bensì un'esperienza unica che ti mette a contatto con realtà e culture diverse dalla propria, che ti spingono a fare di tutto per creare un senso di adattamento e versatilità da cui deriva una grande soddisfazione nonchè auto-stima.
    conoscere usi e abitudini, rendersi conto di mille altri differenti modi di pensare, seppur non condividendoli/e ti permette di renderti conto di quanto ci sia il bisogno di essere "aperti" a nuovi incontri e a nuove idee. Si parla tanto infatti di Unione Europea, e penso che il modo giusto per sentirsi Europei sia proprio quello di provare queste sensazioni, di sentirsi parte di un progetto che pone le basi per un futuro di convivenza e aiuto reciproco.
    Colgo l'occasione per invitare tutti coloro che vorrebbero provare l'esperienza all'estero a non aver timore e a rompere gli indugi e partire se se ne hanno le possibilità.
    best wishes


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